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Preparing for Inspection and Achieving An ‘Excellent’ Rating

Our CPD-accredited course, “Preparing for Inspection – Achieving Excellent,” has been developed to help ensure that healthcare providers in Scotland are prepared for their next Care Inspectorate inspection.

This interactive course, which combines seminar and workshop elements, ensures that providers from across the sector, including NHS, Medical, Primary Care, and Adult Social Care, are always ready for their next inspection.

Created and delivered by expert Care Inspectorate trainers, this course is designed by CQC and Care Inspectorate Advisors who are passionate about supporting healthcare providers to understand the complexities of the Care Inspectorate. Our presenters, with their extensive compliance industry experience, are committed to sharing their insights with service providers like you. They provide valuable inside knowledge about the Care Inspectorate, the inspection process, and how you can achieve an excellent rating in your inspections.

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We provide industry-leading and innovative compliance training in order to support healthcare providers in preparing for their current and future challenges related to the Care Inspectorate. Our team of highly skilled and experienced experts are available to support your business however possible.

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Expert Presenters.

This course is created by leading CQC Compliance Specialist Trainers who are passionate about supporting healthcare providers to understand the complexities of the CQC.

Our incredible presenters have years of experience working within the compliance sector, and are committed to sharing their insight with you on this course. Our expert presenters will provide the trusted, comprehensive explanation that you need.

They share a range of inside insight into the Care Inspectorate, inspection process, and the evolving strategy to ensure you are confident when it comes to compliance.

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See Our Planned Events, Book Now.

Our Planned Events.

Healthcare Compliance Training Made Easy.

Course Information.

Tickets and Venues.

This training day takes place at incredible venues in Scotland, providing you with a unique and memorable training experience. The event takes place from 9:30am-4:00pm and your ticket includes the course itself, lunch and refreshments on the day, and a full bank of training resources to take home. 

Throughout the day, you will have the opportunity to network with your fellow healthcare professionals and speak with our experienced CQC trainers.

This Course Is Useful For…

  • Business Owners
  • Nominated Individuals
  • Registered Managers
  • Service Managers
  • Senior Staff
  • Team Leaders
  • Heads of Department
  • Directors
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It is tailored for all sectors…

  • Domiciliary Care
  • Primary and Acute care services
  • Adult Social Care
  • Care Homes
  • GP’s and Doctors
  • Clinics
  • Dentists
  • Mental health services
  • Aesthetic Clinics
  • Other health or social care provider
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