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Mock OSCE Exam

At HLTH Training, we understand the importance of thorough preparation for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). As part of our comprehensive OSCE Training course, we are pleased to offer a dedicated “Mock OSCE Exam” to ensure that all participants are fully prepared for the actual OSCE Exam.

The Mock OSCE Exam is an integral component of our training program designed to replicate the real examination experience. By simulating the format, stations, and time constraints of the OSCE Exam, we provide our participants with invaluable practice and feedback, helping to boost their confidence and readiness.

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We provide industry-leading and innovative compliance training in order to support healthcare providers in preparing for their current and future challenges related to the Care Inspectorate. Our team of highly skilled and experienced experts are available to support your business however possible.

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Key Features of our Mock OSCE Exam

  1. Realistic Exam Environment: Our Mock OSCE Exam recreates the atmosphere and conditions of the actual OSCE Exam, allowing participants to become familiar with the examination setting and reduce anxiety.
  2. OSCE Stations: We carefully curate a series of OSCE stations that cover a range of clinical scenarios and skills, mirroring those encountered in the official examination. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants are well-prepared for any situation they may face during the OSCE Exam.
  3. Timed Assessments: Time management is crucial during the OSCE Exam. To instill a sense of urgency and mimic the time constraints of the real exam, our Mock OSCE Exam includes timed assessments for each station. This enables participants to practice pacing themselves and allocating their time effectively.
  4. Feedback and Performance Evaluation: Following the Mock OSCE Exam, our experienced clinical nurse trainers and assessors provide detailed feedback and performance evaluations to each participant. This personalized feedback allows individuals to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to focus their efforts and enhance their performance before the actual exam.
  5. Confidence Building: By participating in the Mock OSCE Exam, our course participants gain confidence and familiarity with the examination process. This increased confidence translates into improved performance during the actual OSCE Exam.
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Enrolling in our OSCE Training course ensures that you receive comprehensive preparation, including the invaluable Mock OSCE Exam. Our aim is to equip you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in the OSCE Exam and begin your successful career as a healthcare professional in the UK.

Invest in your future and join HLTH Training for our OSCE Training course, including the Mock OSCE Exam. Prepare yourself for success in the real OSCE Exam by gaining valuable practice, feedback, and the confidence you need to excel.

Contact us now to learn more about our OSCE Training and Mock OSCE Exam, and let us guide you towards achieving your goals in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination.

See Our Planned Events, Book Now.

Our Planned Events.

Healthcare Compliance Training Made Easy.

Course Information.

Tickets and Venues

This training courses takes place either in Manchester and London, providing you with a unique and memorable training experience. The event takes place over 4 full days, starting at 9:00am and ending at 5:00pm. Your ticket includes the course itself, refreshments on the day, and a full bank of training resources to take home. 

Throughout the day, you will have the opportunity to network with your fellow healthcare professionals and speak with our experienced NMC OSCE trainers.

We’d Recommend This Course For…

  • International Nurses: Looking to complete the OSCE Exam to transfer international qualifications and experience to the UK.
  • Return to Practice Nurses: For Nurses who are returning after a career break and are required to complete the OSCE Exam.
  • NHS Trusts: We work with NHS Trusts who place delegates on our OSCE preparation courses.
  • Private Hospitals: We have strong connections with private organisations, who place delegates on our courses.
  • Adult Social Care Providers: We work with the Adult Social Care sector to upskill healthcare assistants with international nursing qualifications.
  • Healthcare Recruitment Agencies: Delegates are often placed on our courses who have been offered a job and are required to pass the OSCE exam.
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Suitable For Nurses Entering…

  • NHS Trusts
  • NHS Providers
  • Domiciliary Care
  • Primary and Acute Care Services
  • Adult Social Care
  • Care Homes
  • GP’s and Doctors
  • Clinics
  • Dentists
  • Mental Health Services
  • Aesthetic Clinics
  • Other health or social care provider
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