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Introduction To Audit

An Introduction to Audit, as part of Good Governance.

Auditing is an incredibly important method of ensuring your service operates in a Safe, Effective manner and that you are consistently delivering high-quality care to your service users. It forms a key part of the CQC’s inspection of how you comply to their expectations around Good Governance, under the Well-Led key question. 

This webinar is an introduction to audit for service providers. It is delivered by exceptional CQC Compliance Trainers with years of experience supporting services to achieve success and always follow best practice in their auditing process. You can learn more about why auditing is so important for your CQC Compliance, how it relates to the CQC regulatory framework and standards, and what you can do to succeed in your processes. 

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We provide industry-leading and innovative compliance training in order to support healthcare providers in preparing for their current and future challenges related to the Care Quality Commission. Our team of highly skilled and experienced experts are available to support your business however possible.

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Course Presenters.

This course is created by leading CQC compliance Specialist Trainers who are passionate about supporting healthcare providers to understand the complexities of the CQC.

Our incredible presenters have years of experience specialising in CQC compliance and supporting services within a vast range of health and social care settings. They are committed to sharing their insight with you on this course focused on audit, which will guide your understanding and processes to ensure you continually remain compliant and deliver the best quality care to your service users.  

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Upcoming Online Training

March 2023 +
April 2023 +
May 2023 +

Healthcare Compliance Training Made Easy.

Course Information.

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All sessions take place via video conference and are 2 hours in length, including a short comfort break. You will have the opportunity to submit any queries for our expert presenters in advance of the course, or during the webinar itself. 

Tickets are £75 and limited capacity – early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment!

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Is This Course For Me?

This course is ideal for anyone who carries out audit assessments within their organisation. It provides an exceptional insight into why we need audits, how they relate to your compliance, and how they fit into the regulations and CQC’s Fundamental Standards. Ensuring your service has robust auditing processes in place is pivotal for your overall success under Well-Led, forming a huge part of Good Governance.

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What Will You Do In This Course?


This course is bitesize yet comprehensive, and will discuss the following topics: 

  • A basic overview of Regulation 17 in relation to audit
  • Why should we audit & what should we audit?
  • Who should audit
  • How to audit
  • Audit action plans
  • Closing the audit loop/reporting progress
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